How To Add Products To an Online Store

Use blocks featuring product cards from the "Store" category to add products to the page.
Add and manage products using Product Catalog
How to manage products in the Content panel
How to add products using Product Catalog
To activate a Product Catalog, go to Site Settings → More → Built-in services → Product Catalog → Connect.

Add any Product cards block from the "Store" category, e.g. the ST305N block.

Open the Content panel of the block, scroll down and click on the link to the product catalog. You will be redirected to the Product Catalog page and opt to showcase a single catalog category or the whole catalog in this block.
Important note: If you have previously added products manually using the Content panel of the block, you can transfer them to the Product Catalog by clicking "Copy products from this block to the Product Catalog" in the Content panel.
Configuring the product list
Go to the Product Catalog. You will see a full list of products on your website.
Click the "Add product" button, then add a title, description, and product photos. If there are product variants a customer can choose from, please add options, e.g. color, size, etc., and set a product variant, e.g. "Black T-Shirt M size."

Each product variant may have its own option values, price, and stock quantity.
Additional options (or complementary products) may be offered for each product and affect its final price, e.g. gift packaging or accessories. You can add options in the "Additional options" tab. To add such an option, type its name and add a list of options in the Option Values box (one option per line).

If the option affects the price of the product, specify the change. For example, type " = + 7000" next to the option title, if the price gets increased by 7000 units once the option is added.
You can also add products to the Product Catalog by importing and exporting CSV and YML files. Read more in the article "How to import and export items in Tilda Product Catalog".
Adding and managing categories
Each product may belong to one or several categories. You can assign a category in a product card.

Click on Product categories link in the menu at the top of the page to manage product categories.
Manage categories by adding new ones. Categories simplify the product management and allow to display only certain categories of products in the store blocks.
Displaying product information in tabs
To separate product information into several tabs, go to the Product Card in the Catalog → Tabs, and add a new tab.
You can create multiple tabs and choose what information to show.

There are 4 types of tabs to choose from:
  • Information. A unique description for this product (text, image, video).
  • Template. Allows you to add a description to a product and then turn it into a template for other products.
  • Text. A detailed description of the product from the Text field.
  • Characteristics. Product's brand, dimensions, and other parameters from the Characteristics section.

You can create a template from a tab with the Information type and vice versa by changing the tab type.

Don't forget to specify a name for each tab. It will be displayed as a tab title.
After configuring the tabs, enable them in the Settings tab of the product card block → Pop-up → "Tabs in product card," and specify how they should be displayed: As tabs or drop-down cards.
Done. Now you will see additional information in the form of tabs or dropdown cards in the pop-up or on the product page.
Product information in the tabs
Displaying tabs as drop-down cards
SEO settings for products in the Catalog
Published products are shown in search, a separate file /sitemap-store.xml with links to all published products is automatically created for the Catalog. To hide a product from search, you need to make it invisible in the Catalog (switch it off in the list of products in the View column or in the product card).

You can switch off Sitemap generation for products in the Catalog Settings → "Additional" tab → uncheck "Enable Sitemap generation". There you can also view the link to the Sitemap for products in the Catalog.

You can add SEO title, description and keywords for each product in the SEO tab of each product card as well.
Product booking
You can set the number of items in stock in the Product Catalog. So when customer starts buying, product item will be booked and the number of items will be reduced. Payment systems also have limited time period when each payment must be made.

You can set the option that the item will be reserved until it is bought (when a notification comes from the payment system), or set a period of time in which the item should be bought. This can be set in Site Settings → Payment systems → General settings of payment systems → Book a product.
SEO settings for products in the Catalog
Each product page in the catalog is generated with built-in microdata markup using the format. This means that all the information about products is marked in code beforehand so that it is easy for a search engine and other services to extract all product parameters very easily.

A separate sitemap file /sitemap-store.xml is generated as well for all products of the Catalog that can be added to Google Search Console. Read more about using Google Search Console in our guide to SEO.
See also section
You can include the section showing the products that can interest the buyer. When the product is viewed, an additional element is displayed in which other products of your store are offered to the buyer.

To activate the element, you need to connect the products from the catalog, then go to the Settings tab of the block → See also section → choose the section you would like to offer products from → select the number of products in the element and the section's title → save the changes.
  • Q
    Is there a limitation on the number of products?
    You can add up to 5000 products and up to 200 Catalog categories to the Catalog.
Manual method
Add any of the product card blocks to the page — such as ST305N.
Click on the Content button to replace stock photos and texts with your own.
You may edit the headline, subhead, prices and product descriptions on the page.
After you've uploaded photos, added products' descriptions and prices, your product cards are ready.

You can now add the shopping cart and connect an online payment system if you accept online payments.
  • Q
    What about the products if I switch to the Free tariff?
    The Catalog is only available on paid plans. If you switch to the Free plan, the products will be stored in the shopping cart in Tilda for 30 days. If you don't switch back to a paid plan after this period expires, the items will be irrevocably deleted. To keep the products, we recommend downloading the product list in CSV or YML format in advance.
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