Code Export

Everything made on Tilda can be easily exported to your server
This option is only available for Tilda Business Plan subscribers (a pricing plan for five or more websites).
Go to the Site Settings → Export.
Click on Download as .zip → Start Export. Please wait a few seconds for the pages to archive, then follow the link that will appear under the file list. Save the zip file to your computer.
Unzip the file to get a folder that contains all files of your project.
Connect to your server via FTP and add your files there. Rename the file "htaccess" to ".htaccess".
Please note that "htaccess" is a file used by web servers running on Apache. If you use alternative web servers like Caddy or Nginx, you will have to create mappings manually.
Additional options: Special path names

You can create custom path names if you use your own CDN or if the default names of images, CSS or JS files do not work for you.
Rules for using exported code and basic resources

  1. Before exporting the code, you must specify in the Site Settings the domain where the exported code will be deployed.
  2. It is forbidden to deploy the exported code on a domain not specified in the Site Settings.
  3. It is forbidden to replicate and distribute the exported code.
  4. It is forbidden to use the exported code for creating web pages outside the Tilda platform.
  5. It is forbidden to change the code outside the Tilda platform.
  6. It is forbidden to delete the developer ID, which is a block with an automatically affixed link to the ownership of the Administration's basic resources, except for in instances covered by subscription plans:
  7. The exported code may contain resources owned by third parties, such as jQuery.
According to the User Agreement, any unauthorized changes by the User to the website's resources (pages, blocks), their parts and/or derivatives, regardless of the location of the project created based on them, are violation of the Administration's copyright.
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