Generating Website Content Using AI

A built-in feature that applies large language models (LLMs) to generate quality content for the website

On Tilda, it is now possible to generate text with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This feature simplifies website copywriting and helps better phrase headings, and texts in blocks.

You can generate content in different ways. You can use the text editor toolbar at the top of the page, the Content panel of the block, or generate text for the entire block using the quick actions panel.
Warnings, limits, generation hints
How to generate text for a specific field in the Editor
How to generate text for a field in the Content panel
General guidelines for AI content generation
The AI content generation is provided by a third-party service and Tilda has no influence on the result. We cannot guarantee that the content will not offend anyone, will be authentic, and unique, will not violate anyone's rights, or infringe the law. It also does not constitute an opinion or recommendation of the platform. Therefore, we ask you to verify the result when using this feature.

Also, you will be prompted to read and agree to the Terms of Use. They disclose the legal issues of using the AI Assistant.
Please note that there is a usage limit - 100 successful requests per day.
Recommendations for phrasing prompts

To get the desired results from AI, it is important to phrase your query properly. To get a quality response, follow these rules:

Be specific
Avoid abstractions: AI may not understand them and produce generalized or incorrect results.
Example: "Write a two-line text about how classes are organized in an online language school."

Use keywords
You can ask the AI assistant to use specific words in the generated text.
Example: "Spell out the following advantages of a brand of women's clothing: Comfort and organic fabrics."

Provide context
Give the AI more qualifying information that it could use when generating. For example, you are making a website for a marketing agency and want to generate text about the company.
The prompt may look like this: "Write a paragraph about our company, consider the following: We are a marketing agency that focuses on attracting paid traffic, blogger partnerships, and analytics, we work with small and medium-sized businesses".
AI generation in text fields
To get the AI text generation box, go to the Page Editor and edit any text field.

Then in the text editor toolbar at the top of the page, click the "Generate with AI" star icon.

You will be prompted to agree to the AI Assistant Terms of Use the first time you use the AI Assistant.

Then describe what your website is about. Provide the AI with some context to help it generate relevant text for you.
Next, type in the prompt to specify the query for the field and submit it for text generation.
After a successfully submitted prompt, the response will appear in the "Result" field.

If you are not happy with the generated text, try to modify the query and click "Regenerate." If necessary, the result can be modified and copied.
When you are happy with the generated text, select the checkbox to agree with the responsibility and click the "Apply" button. This makes the text appear in the text field in the layout.
AI text generation in the Content panel of the block
You can also generate content for a specific field from the Content panel of a block. Open the Content panel and select the text field you want to generate. Highlight the text and click the star button.
You will be prompted to agree to the AI Assistant Terms of Use.
Then describe what your project or business is about to give more detailed information to AI and help it generate a better result.
Now type in the prompt (this is an optional field). Give some details about what you expect to see in the result.
The generated text will appear in the "Result" field. If you like the result, select the checkbox to agree with the responsibility and click the "Apply" button. To regenerate the text, click "Regenerate."
AI text generation for the entire block
To generate content for the entire block, select the block, go to the quick actions panel in the upper right corner, and click "Generate."
Check the box to agree to the AI Assistant Terms of Use and click "Next."
Describe your project or company you're creating a website for in a few sentences. This will help the AI Assistant understand the context and generate relevant content.
Specify a prompt - what exactly you want to generate in this block.

If the "Only filled fields" checkbox is selected, the AI will fill in only the text fields that are currently filled in.

For blocks with several items (as well as columns or cards), you can set the number of items to be generated.
The generated text will appear in the "Result" field. If you like the result, select the checkbox to agree with the responsibility and click the "Apply" button. To regenerate the text, click "Regenerate."

AI text generation for the entire web page

If you want to regenerate text in all blocks at once, click on the "More" drop-down in the top right corner of the page and click "Generate text for page."
Check the box to agree to the AI Assistant Terms of Use and specify the description for your website.
Wait for the generation to finish. Text will be generated for all blocks gradually one by one.
Once the text generation is complete, review the result and apply the generated content if you like the result.
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